Hardware Setup

Great News! Setting up your Binho Nova or Binho Supernova is straightforward. While the Binho Nova utilizes the USB Communications Device Class (CDC) for compatibility, the Binho Supernova uses the Human Interface Device (HID) class. Fortunately, most modern operating systems come with the necessary device drivers pre-installed for both devices. This means there's typically no additional driver to download and install.

However, there are a few things to note:

  • Windows 7 does not have the standard USB CDC driver that the Binho Nova requires. If you're using this OS, please refer to the troubleshooting article linked below.

  • If this is your first time connecting a hardware device from your account on your Mac, you'll need to grant permission to your user account.

  • Ubuntu or other Linux distribution users might encounter issues with the device. If this happens, please follow the procedure in the provided troubleshooting article.

Connection to the Computer

Use the provided USB Type-C (male) to USB Type-A (male) cable to connect your Binho device to your host PC. Whether it's the Binho Nova or the Binho Supernova, it can be plugged into any available USB port. There's no specific requirement to use a USB 3.0 port.

Indicators for Binho Supernova

The Binho Supernova comes with enhanced indicators to keep you informed about its status:

  • MCU Operation Indicators:

    • RGB Neopixels:

      • Normal Operation: Cycles between green and blue in a sinusoidal pattern when the device is in a resting state.

      • Command Reception: Pauses for 30 seconds upon receiving a command.

  • USB Communication:

    • Fourth Neopixel: Illuminates when the Supernova receives a message via USB.

    • Fifth Neopixel: Lights up upon sending a response back to the USB host.

Indicators for Binho Nova

For the Binho Nova, upon powering up, the Status LED will shine yellow, indicating it's waiting for the COM port to be opened. When connected correctly, the device should immediately enumerate and become available as a new COM port. Once a connection has been established between the device and the host computer, the Status LED will turn blue.

Testing Your Device with Binho Mission Control

To ensure your device is functioning correctly, we highly recommend using the Binho Mission Control (BMC) app. This multi-platform desktop application is meticulously designed to optimize and simplify device orchestration. Once your Binho device is connected, launch the BMC app. It should automatically detect your device and, if there's any issue, provide guidance on how to resolve it. This includes common challenges like the Linux permission issue. By using the BMC app, you can be confident that your device is set up correctly and ready for use.

Remember, while both devices share some similarities, they also have unique features. Ensure you're referring to the correct documentation and SDK for your specific device, whether it's the Nova SDK for the Binho Nova or the Supernova SDK for the Binho Supernova.

Last updated