Download & Installation

Download and Install the Binho Mission Control Software

Binho Mission Control app is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It provides an easy-to-use GUI interface for your Binho Nova and Supernova Host Adapters.

Find and download the Binho Mission Control installer suitable for your OS (Windows, Linux, or Mac) in the following public repository.

  • For Mac users, download either the or the Binho-Mission-Control-2-x.y.z.dmg file. If you choose the .zip file, unzip it to access the application. If you opt for the .dmg file, mount it and drag the application to your Applications folder.

  • Linux users should download the Binho-Mission-Control-2-x.y.z.AppImage file. Once downloaded, make it executable (using a tool like chmod) and then run it.

  • For Windows users, download the Binho-Mission-Control-2-Setup-x.y.z.exe file and run the installer.

Please note that .blockmap files and .yml files are not required for the installation process. They are used for update checks and differential updates. If you're interested in the source code, it's available in both zip and tar.gz formats.

Windows Installer Notes

The Windows Defender SmartScreen prompt is displayed when running the installer. Click "More Info" and then the "Run Anyway" button to continue. Our software releases are code-signed, however we're still building our reputation within Microsoft SmartScreen so that eventually this warning will go away.

Mac Installer Notes

If this is your first time connecting to a virtual COM port on your Mac, ensure that your user account has the necessary permissions. Here is a list of potential Issues with USB Serial or HID drivers:

  • Driver Conflicts: Sometimes, multiple drivers can try to control the same piece of hardware, leading to conflicts. Ensure that you don't have conflicting drivers installed.

  • System Integrity Protection (SIP): On newer versions of macOS, SIP can prevent certain drivers from loading. If you encounter issues, consider checking if the driver is compatible with SIP or if there's a need to temporarily disable SIP (though this is generally not recommended for security reasons).

  • Access Permissions: Ensure that any required drivers or applications have the necessary permissions to access USB devices. You can check this in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy tab.

  • Cable Issues: Sometimes, the problem might be as simple as a faulty USB cable. Always try a different cable to rule out this possibility.

  • Update Drivers: Ensure that you have the latest drivers installed for your device. Outdated drivers can sometimes cause compatibility issues, especially after a macOS update.

Linux Installer Notes

Problem: When trying to connect to the Binho host adapter using Binho Mission Control on Linux, you might encounter an error related to USB access permissions. This is because, by default, certain USB devices may not have the appropriate permissions set for user-level access.

Detection: Binho Mission Control should automatically detect this issue and provide you with instructions to resolve it.

Solution: To grant the necessary permissions, follow the steps below:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Create a new user group named 'binho' and add your user to this group:

    bashCopy codegroupadd binho
    usermod -a -G binho $USER
  3. Add a new udev rule to set the correct permissions for Binho devices:

    bashCopy codeecho 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", MODE="0666", GROUP="binho"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-binho.rules
  4. Reload the udev rules. If this doesn't work, you might need to reboot your system:

    bashCopy codesudo udevadm control --reload
    sudo udevadm trigger
  5. Once done, you should see a confirmation message:

    bashCopy codeecho "USB device configuration has been installed. Please log out and log back in or reboot."

After following these steps, Binho Mission Control should be able to access the Binho host adapter without any permission issues.

Launch the Mission Control Software & Connect to the Device

Now it's time to launch the software. If you haven't done so already, plug your host adapter to you computer using the provided USB Cable. Launch the BMC App just by double-clicking in the app icon. At this point, you're all set to start interacting with your device.

Last updated