Example Applications

A set of example applications is provided to demonstrate the usage of the Binho Mission Control SDK. Below are the general steps to build and run each example application, along with a brief description of each application's functionality.


  • A development environment compatible with C++17.

  • The Binho Mission Control SDK installed on the system.

Example Applications

Nova Host Adapter

  • nova_breathing_leds: Simulates a breathing LED effect, showcasing PWM control with a BinhoNova host adapter.

Supernova Host Adapter

  • list_devices: Lists connected USB devices, displaying details such as the product name, type, port, and manufacturer. This example highlights the capability to query and process information about connected devices using the CommandDispatcher framework.

  • supernova_101: Demonstrates fetching USB strings like MANUFACTURER, PRODUCT_NAME, etc., from a BinhoSupernova host adapter.

  • supernova_i2C: Showcases I2C operations using the BinhoSupernova host adapter.

  • supernova_i2c_benchmark: Performs benchmarking of I2C communication with the BinhoSupernova host adapter. It measures and displays the average round-trip time for a series of I2C write operations, offering insight into the performance and efficiency of I2C communications.

  • i3c_cccs: Demonstrates how to use a variety of CCC with the Supernova, assuming there's an I3C target device connected to the I3C bus.

  • i3c_ibis: Demonstrates how to capture and handle In-Band Interrupts (IBIs).

  • i3c_ICM42605: Showcases a typical interaction with an I3C target device. In this case, it's an ICM42605, but the template hopefully can be extrapolated to any device.

  • sample_library: A custom library that provides a simplified interface for interacting with Binho devices. It includes functions for retrieving device information such as firmware and hardware versions, and serial numbers.

  • sample_app_using_sample_library: An application that demonstrates how to use the sample_library to interact with Binho devices. It shows how to integrate the custom library into a larger application, retrieve device information, and handle different types of exceptions.

Building the Example Applications

  1. Open the Project: Navigate to the directory of the desired sample application (e.g., supernova_101/).

  2. Prepare for Build: Set up the build environment. This might involve generating project files or configuring your build system. Ensure the Binho Mission Control SDK is properly referenced, including the library and header files.

  3. Build the Application: Compile the application using the build system or IDE. It may be necessary to specify build configurations such as the target platform or build type.

  4. Run the Example Application: After building, execute the example application to test and explore its functionality. Ensure any required runtime dependencies or environment variables are set up correctly.

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